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Research group

Planning for urban sustainability

The research group Planning for Urban Sustainability (PLUS) works with urban and rural environments consisting of complex arrangements (biophysical, social, and economic) that are central to a sustainable transition.

Research group

Planning for urban sustainability

The research group Planning for Urban Sustainability (PLUS) works with urban and rural environments consisting of complex arrangements (biophysical, social, and economic) that are central to a sustainable transition.


Key research 

Urban settlements are hubs for innovation, and they provide the best opportunity for transition towards sustainable development.

The planning system must change to face future challenges and create change in the non-sustainable practices of today.

Main areas:

Governance, planning, everyday day life related to:

  • Mobilities
  • Climate adaptation
  • Housing
  • Spatial inequalities
  • Rural-urban connections through mobilizing placemaking, participation and urban data

Research focus 

Educating future planners contributing to creating more liveable, just cities. Working with systemic approaches, everyday life, and multi disciplinarity can enable planning across silos.


Planning for Urban Sustainability - AAU TECH

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Planning for Urban Sustainability - AAU TECH


Study related activities 

The PLUS Staff teaches in several programmes and MSc specialization courses.

We mobilize students to have a strong impact on society through research-based teaching engaging with practice.


Who benefits from the research 

Planners, policy makers and other urban actors navigating the challenges
of urban societies, situated in practices aiming for sustainable futures.

External partners 

AESOP Nordic Planning, ESPON network, COSMOBILITIES network, WSP Global, NordForsk, Realdania, municipalities and a large number of universities

Key projects 


Investigating how housing associations, municipalities and private actors can improve their strategic collaboration in the redevelopment of vulnerable housing areas in Denmark.


Promoting added value in strategic collaboration in climate adaptation through actor-mapping and similar tools.


Contact person
Malene Freudendal-Petersen
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