Research group
CMI - Communication, Media & Information Technologies

Research group
CMI - Communication, Media & Information Technologies

Key research areas
The general challenge that CMI is working with is to develop ICT infrastructures and solutions that are sustainable socially, economically and environmentally.
Specific focus is on new cloud /edge architectures, cyber security, privacy and trust, usability including usable privacy, media convergence and new business models.
The application of research
Research results are used by companies developing, offering and implementing ICT solutions, and public sector authorities governing market and social developments. Prominent examples are cloud, IoT, cyber security and privacy.
Other examples are media platforms, cross-border digital government services, and media and telecommunications regulation.
CMI research is particularly relevant for industries developing new technologies, companies and end users adopting technologies, and institutions governing technology developments.
External partners
CMI cooperates with companies developing and implementing ICT solutions, e.g. TDC, Motorola, Microsoft, Media at hand and Bluetown.
CMI also cooperates with public sector authorities that regulate and establish frameworks for market developments. Furthermore, CMI has close bilateral collaborations with Danish and foreign universities, and participates in international research associations and conference organizations.
Key projects
The project examines industrial use of advanced ICT solutions in the Baltic Sea Region, including cross-border digital government.
Converged Advanced Mobile Media Platforms has contributed to the development of new research areas at CMI and a start-up company developing new media platforms.
CMI is involved in a number of ERASMUS + projects focusing on research on teaching activities/methods.

Read about more research groups
At the faculty, we have more than 30 research groups and sections with internationally recognized researchers who work in the areas of: planning, digitization, autonomous systems, communication and human touch.